MQJMS1061: Unable to deserialize object message due to java.lang. MessageFormatException: MQJMS1061: 无法并行化对象 at com.
It is a simple, turnkey object that can be used to deserialize a variety of formats. 它是一个简单的总控对象,可以用来对各种格式进行反序列化。
To search for surrogates that are registered for the object types you want to deserialize. 来搜索为要反序列化的对象类型而注册的代理项。
Older versions of an application would throw exceptions when asked to deserialize new versions of the old type. 在要求反序列化旧类型应用程序的新版本时,该应用程序的较旧版本可能会引发异常。
The server formatter sink at the end of this chain will deserialize the request into a message. 此链末端的服务器格式化程序接收器将该请求反序列化为消息。
Different JDK levels can serialize and deserialize resources slightly differently, which can cause run-time problems. 不同的JDK级别会用稍微不同的方法对资源进行序列化和反序列化,这样会导致出现运行时问题。