Let them become as dust before the wind : and let the angel of the Lord straiten them. 我寻求了上主,他听了我的祈求:由我受的一切惊惶中,将我救出。
When I’m lonely be my friend, when I’m sad be my joy, when I’m hurt be my mender and my fixer, when I’m wrong straiten me out and be my righteousness. 主啊!请做我孤独时的朋友,悲伤时的喜乐;受伤害时的修复者,将我从错误中拯救出来,成为我的公义。
to straiten the number of people entering into the stadium 限制进入体育场的人数
Obigation should straiten ourselves and keep our rights to reduce the conflicts with the patients 加强自律与维权减少医患矛盾与纠纷
5 Let them become as dust before the wind : and let the angel of the Lord straiten them. 我寻求了上主,他听了我的祈求:由我受的一切惊惶中,将我救出。