[域] Vietnam, 越南
VN: Were you still at school when you found out you got the part? 你是否还在学校当你知道你获得演出秋张这角色?
VN: How does it feel to be Harry Potter's first kiss? 能够成为哈利波特第一个吻的对象,你自己有什么感想?
VN: What advice would you give to other young hopefuls wanting to act? 有什么话对那些想演戏的年轻人说吗?
Roundtrip Economy class air ticket for Hong Kong and Hanoi on VN (E-Ticket). 越南航空公司来回香港至河内经济客位机票(电子机票)。
VN: Who do you think your character Cho would choose out of Cedric and Harry? 你觉得秋张这角色会选塞德里克还是哈利波特?