Could not enter inside without the prestore number,whatever change password,losing control machine,open door etc. 不管更改密码、注销丢失遥控器、开门、等操作不是预存电话手机号码休想进入系统。
The control system only accept prestore or own telephone number or cell phone number. 控制系统只接受预存的、自己的电话或手机号码指挥。
This system is able to prestore a larger amount of medicine, and the user can take the medicine more quickly, more accurately and more easily. 它具有预存药量大、取药快速准确、减轻劳动强度的优点。
At the behest of the royal councilor, Lady Prestor, young Anduin was given the crown so that order could be preserved within the kingdom of Stormwind. 根据皇家一会中的普瑞斯托女伯爵的命令,年轻的安度因被授予皇冠,这样暴风城王国的皇权被留在了暴风城内。
water prestore and predischarge by forecast 预蓄预泄