Toke my advice and do not put any salt in it. 听我的劝告,不要在里面放盐。
Would you mind if I toke this sample? 我能否带走这件样品?
My mother toke me to the hospital. 我妈妈带了我去医院。
My sister and I toke one more look and race bock to bed. 姐姐和我又看了一眼.便飞奔回屋,钻入被窝。
God toke his life away when Evan advised him into put down the torch. 不,当他说服他放下火把的时候,上帝却选择了他。
Part five toke the revenue sector as example to prove academic result. 第五部分结合地方税务机关的实际情况,对三、四部分进行实证检验。