Are multiple acute small subcortical infarctions caused by embolic mechanisms? 急性多发性皮层下小范围脑梗死是否由栓子机制导致?
Dislodgement of clot can lead to embolic phenomena, including stroke. 血凝块移除可导致栓赛现象,包括脑中风。
Is Distal Embolic Protection for Renal Artery Interventions Beneficial? 肾动脉介入治疗中使用远端栓塞防护装置是否有益?
The blindness was secondary to embolic infarction of both occipital lobes developing as a sequela of IE. 眼盲次发于两侧脑枕叶血栓性梗塞,为感染性心内膜炎的并发症。
This angiogram demonstrates an embolic obstruction of a branch of the left common carotid artery just past the first main bifurcation. 血管造影显示左颈总动脉的主要分支的栓子阻塞。
The key is embolic infarction is a focal change, whereas autolytic change is global and diffuse. 关键是脑梗死是局灶改变,而脑组织自溶是全脑的弥漫性改变。