Long-time blankness will turn into blindness. 茫然得太久就成了盲目。
Current education's can-not-bear-it indicates its blindness or shortsightedness. 现实教育对此的不能承受之重,表现出教育在定位上的盲目和短视。
Blindness can be a terrible affliction. 失明有时极为痛苦。
His blindness is the result of an accident. 一次事故使他双目失明。
The culmination of love is blindness. 爱情的最高潮就是愚昧。
I consider religion as toys.And I think there is no evil, but blindness. 我视宗教为儿童玩具,我认为不存在什么罪恶,只存在愚昧。