vt. 使 ... 丧失生命(消除 ... 的痕迹)
Where shall I live now Lucrece is unlived? 鲁克丽丝不活了,我还活什么名堂?
Do not fear death, but rather the unlived life. 死亡并不可怕,怕的是行尸走肉般的活着
Don't be afraid of death Winnie, be afraid of an unlived life. 不要害怕死亡,没好好活过才最可怕。
Brought back to unlived by a vicious Harpy Queen, this once proud Wyvern was turn into a Visage of his former self. 他曾是一只高傲的翼龙,由于被恶毒的鸟身女妖女王以非生命的型态带回尘世,而转变为拥有过去外型的米里吉。
Do not fear death,but rather the unlived life. you don't have to live forever. you just have to live. 曾经的深爱和无言的憎恨,刻骨铭心的爱恨纠缠,在生命的尽头,是一片平静。