To be admired of lewd unhallowed eyes. 让他那淫亵的目光尽情赞美艳羡。
With his wonted, collected and stately mien , he crossed the unhallowed threshold. 他摆出平时那种泰然自若的庄严态度,跨过那个污浊的门槛。
The first charge is impudence, or hardness of forehead, a want of holy shame, an unhallowed boldness in evil. 第一项罪名额坚,这是指厚颜卑鄙,缺少圣洁的羞耻感,或大胆地犯罪。
A nation without much religious emotions,China is becoming even more irreverent and unhallowed. 一个本就没有宗教感的国家,变得更加的肆无忌惮,更加的缺乏神圣感。
Solvent tenants were disturbed at unhallowed hours by the noise of ghostly furniture vans creeping stealthily away in the moonless night. 有偿付能力的房客,在亵渎神明的时刻里,被幽灵似的搬运家具的货车在月夜里偷偷溜走的声音所惊醒。