Raindrops click jingly on the vent-pipes,beating cracklingly the roof of the yard. 雨点把排气管敲得叮叮当当,把院子顶棚打得噼噼啪啪。
C0375rectangle scarf w/coins and beads Production presentation: ***Very Heavy and Amazingly Jingly ! 本巾外形为外销专业款形,围包长宽度可随意调节,变幻多种围法,尽显个性魅力。
Dozens of styles were represented in their frilly, jingly, stretched-neon glory. 有几十套服装还展现出了皱褶和延伸式的霓虹效果,它们还能发出声响。
* No gimmicks, no power ups, no canned crashes, no horrible jingly jangly music, just pure top quality racing. * 没有机关,没有惨烈的碰撞,没有杂乱不堪的背景音乐,有的只是单纯的精品赛事。