How Will the Aquarian Age Manifest? 太空时代将如何发生?
It's the rare Aquarian who's remotely egotistical. 水瓶座的孤僻的自私非常罕见。
It’s pretty difficult to shock an Aquarian. 想让水瓶座的人吃惊可是相当难的。
An Aquarian has great desire for material, but is not greedy. 水瓶座的人非常渴望物质却不贪婪。
Aquarian wish to be accepted for the eccentric genius it is. “水瓶”的生日愿望是希望他们非凡才能能被大家接受。
God bless you,sweetheart.What is your sign?I'm an Aquarian. |- 上帝保佑你,甜心,你是哪个星座的?