While his opponent started a huge smear campaign against him, he refused to engage in muckraking and mudslinging. 虽然对手向他展开大规模抹黑行动,他还是不肯做那揭丑闻、造谣中伤的事。
Mr.Zhao had earned a national reputation as a muckraking journalist before he joined The Times in April 2004. 先生赵曾获全国美誉黑幕揭发前问他加入时报2004年4月。
Muckraking journalists denounced the titans of American business as “robber barons” . 八卦记者曾将美国商业巨头贬斥为“披着强盗外衣的大佬”。
Contemporaneous with muckraking in magazine journalism was the proliferation of a fictional literature dedicated to the cause of democracy. 与杂志上的黑幕揭发同时,一种献身于民主事业的小说创作正在蓬勃发展之中。
It is beneficial for us to draw lessons of Muckraking in the constructing of new system of news/mass communication fit for China’s modernization. 借鉴黑幕揭发运动的经验教训,对于构想和设计 中国 新闻/大众传播新体制,使之有效担当转型期的社会守望者和社会雷达的角色,在这场运动百年之后仍有不可忽视的价值。