If China Cross the Taiwan Strait (1993), Coauthor and Coeditor. 百篇专文出篇于美、英、德、荷、澳洲、日本、及香港学术刊物。
In these changing times, Spencer Johnson, coauthor of The One Minute Manager? 全书对此观点作了细致精辟的分析和论述。
S," and elsewhere, Tim Dornan, MD, a consultant physician at Manchester and study coauthor told Medscape. 曼彻斯特大学就将早期临床经验纳入其课程当中。
With Frank Ching, Winkel is coauthor of Building Codes Illustrated, Second Edition, a companion volume to this book. 本书只是以普通住宅为中心进行介绍。
Kenneth Blanchard,coauthor of The One-Minute Manager,agrees. "Catch people doing something right!" he says. Then tell everyone about it. 《一分钟经理》的作者之一肯尼恩·布莱恩查德赞同上述观点,他说要善于发现下属做对的事情,然后把它告诉每个人。