Thus excommunication was a deadly thing. 因此,绝罚是一个致命的事情。Mr.
A formal ecclesiastical ban,curse,or excommunication. 逐出教门正式的宗教禁令、诅咒或逐出教门
Excommunication from the church, therefore, was not the final penalty. 故此,被开除出教会,并不是最后的惩罚。
Or shun his requests and risk facing his fearsome Inquisitors or even excommunication? 或者冒着被宗教法官审判或是开除出教会的危险对他阳奉阴违?
In the court of Sicily, excommunication mattered little and Frederick could afford to regard it with humorous cynicism. 在西西里法庭上,对腓特烈来说绝罚没什么大不了的,他以幽默的愤世嫉俗的态度面对它。