The chocolate mocha is bitter and chocolaty sweat. 就是很甜?还是很浓,比较苦的?
"Rich, fudgy, chocolaty, and delicious," Palumbo says. “巧克力味道,美味, ” Palumbo表示。
The Harrar has a sweet, almost winey flavor and a subtle chocolaty aftertaste. 优质的阿拉伯风味,干香略带有葡萄酒的酸香,醇度适宜,强烈纯质感,带有奇妙的黑巧克力余味。
Long, blackened pods dangled from carob trees.We tried chewing them for their chocolaty taste. 角豆树上长长的黑色豆荚随风摆动,我们试着咀嚼了一下那些豆荚,为的是品尝它们那巧克力般的味道。
For her next project we are going to make her a really dark chocolaty brown, which will make her eyes pop even more. 下一次我们要给她黑巧克力棕色,这将使她的眼睛突出。