True, new campaigns and catchphrases are declared by the government and the Communist Party in China all the time, and mostly end up fizzling out in puddles of rhetoric. 事实上,多年来在中国,中央政府和共产党一直都在推出一些新的运动以及标语口号,而大多数情况下却收效甚微。
Dumbledore, while limited to “catchphrases” ( EBF), should still be able to offer some advice to Harry, if not instruction on the proper use of the Pensieve. 尽管邓布利多也被限制只能说很短的语句,他应该能向哈利提供一些帮助建议,虽然不见得能向他传输如何正确使用冥想盆的方法。
During the weeklong session, delegates amended the party constitution to enshrine Mr. Hu's "scientific outlook on development" program, along with the political catchphrases of other former leaders. 在为期一周的大会中,与会代表修改了党章,把胡主席提出的“科学发展观”写进了党章,并与几位前任领导人的政治口号写在了一起。
The Principles of Economics of Languages in Internet Catchphrases 网络流行语的语言经济学原则