Not for pregnant women or lactating women. 怀孕妇女或哺乳期妇女禁用。
Any woman who is pregnant or lactating should not take the product. 处理怀孕或是哺乳期内的妇女严禁使用这类产品。
Optimal levels of DHA are therefore crucial for pregnant and lactating mothers. DHA的最优量对于怀孕和哺乳期妇女非常重要。
Pregnant or lactating women should consult a doctor before using any product. 怀孕的和泌乳期的妇女应在使用本品前咨询医生。遵医嘱服用。
We have found lactating Sarasota mothers with 4 1/2-year-old calves. 我们发现萨拉索塔的海豚妈妈仍在喂食一只四岁半的小海豚乳汁。
Should the antiseptic agent povidone iodine be used in lactating mothers? 1消毒剂(聚维酮碘)能否用于哺乳期妇女?