I have high respect for Jeon Do Yeon sonbaenim. 我对全度妍前辈有很高的敬意。
JEON JIN Chamber Type Tempering Furnaces is PID controlled using strip heater. 箱式回火炉,采用电热丝式加热器。
"I can't believe I'm here," said Jeon, wearing a silver lame evening gown. 身着银色坦胸露背晚礼服的全度妍说:“我真不敢相信我会来这里。”
Jeon is known as a chameleon of Korean cinema, who fully inhabits her roles. 全度妍是韩国影坛著名的变色龙,她演各种角色都很投入。
Jeon Hye Bin also came to root me on. She came in the booth and we were talking. 刚好全惠彬过来找我。她进来录音棚,我们在那里聊天。
The homogeneous society may have to rely on foreign immigrant labour to stay afloat, Jeon warned. 全在姬警告说,南韩同种族的社会可能得靠外籍劳工才不至于灭顶。