Those preppies are having fun now, but how will they support themselves? 那些像大学预科生的年轻人玩得正痛快呢,但是他们将来怎样维持自己的生计呢?
Finally, we should build up a system for preppies studying abroad at their own expense to their self-management. 再次,要提高自费留学预科生的教育与管理的实效性。
My high school experience wasn't like an '80s movie, but this was, where the good guys win in the end and make the rich preppies all mad. 我的高中生活也并不像80年代的电影(啥意思?80年代的电影),但那里的好人最终赢得比赛,所有的纨绔子弟都气坏了。
At the very beginning, a southern boy on Wall Street against the east-coast preppies, living in a sixth-floor walk-up filled with $25-worth of furniture, it was almost foolhardy. 出道之初,邓普顿只是个莽莽撞撞的南方小伙,住在那些东海岸预科生旁边的一幢六层楼高、没有电梯的公寓里,房间里的家具加起来只值25美元。
Nobody hates preppies any more. 还包括没有人再讨厌富家子的内容。