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n.= hoi polloi

A person who acquires one of these exclusive gems is someone who wishes to set himself apart from the hoi polloi. 无论谁购买这独特宝石都希望自己是不同于普罗大众的。

Others are highly successful in non-pop genres but are remembered by the public for the one that appealed to the hoi polloi. 而其他人虽然在流行乐以外的其它流派里取得了巨大的成功,不过,被公众记住却是因为某支媚俗的歌曲。

Why do you think would the rich, usually so quick to isolate themselves in real life, be so eager to embrace the hoi polloi online? 你认为,那些在现实世界中往往很快把自己隔绝起来的富人为什么会如此热切地投入到网络大众中去?

The realization of Confucian political ideal must depend on political authority and do not deny existent absolute monarchy, on the contrary, Confucianists think that absolute monarchy nourish taking care of hoi polloi' survival and order. 儒家理想的实现并不以否定业已存在的君主的统治为前提,相反,儒家认为君主政治怀有维护民众生存与安宁的实质性目的。

These include a trio of main entrances that are each shaped differently, and which are accompanied by statues that were once coloured to make them more effective as Bible lessons for the hoi polloi. 正面有三重哥特式拱门,门上点着犹太和以色列的28位国王的全身像。

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