I would not have arrived here if I had not been give this safe conduct. 如果没有这张通行证我就无法到达这里。
The robbers wanted safe conduct to the airport for themselves and their hostages. 劫匪要求保证他们自己以及他们劫持的人质去机场的安全。
The guerillas were promised safe conduct out of the country. 游击队员得到承诺,可以安全离开这个国家。
People tend to think that nurses and other humanitarian workers in war zones are given safe conduct. 人们常常以为护士和其他从事人道主义工作的人员在交战区会得到安全保护。
Intercepted and taken before Pougatcheff, Peter persuaded the rebel to give Maria safe conduct to Orenburg. 他们在途中遭到截击并被带到普加乔夫那里,彼得说服了这位叛乱首领让玛利亚到奥伦堡去。