Hammy the Squirrel: I know! Let's name it Steve. 松鼠哈米:我知道!就叫它史蒂夫吧。
Hammy the Squirrel: It's a pretty name. 松鼠哈米:多好听的名字。
Lt. Hammy CHOU preached in the service and Mrs Rev. LI as translator. 在聚会中,周淑敏传道分享信息,由李方月娥师母翻译。
For the next half hour, each one took his or her turn with Buffett, often in hammy poses (wrestling for his wallet was a favorite). 那么最好选择指数型基金,特别是低成本的指数基金,而且应该在一段时间里持续买入。
This is a good one, funny enough, nothing stupid and the characters r so cute, especially the turtle: Verne, and his butt and the possum Hammy who lost his nuts! 这部很不错,够好笑但不荒唐,角色实在很可爱,特别是叫维尼的小乌龟和他的屁股,还有汉米,一只精神错乱的花栗鼠。