1.;Hawaiian shaman: a Hawaiian priest or traditional healer
If you like Big Kahuna Reef, here are some other games you should also try! 如果你喜欢暗礁,这里有几个类似的游戏,也许你也想试试吧!
Loving Touch - Hawaiian kahuna massage, Indian head massage, Reiki, massage workshops offered in South Africa. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
Still, that means Flamel is, or ought to be, the Head Honcho, the Big Kahuna, the Top Dog, the one and only wizard with certain powers. 但那就意味着,尼可·勒梅是最元老级的人物,拥有最高能力的第一人。
A short nature trail overhung with verdant, sweetly scented vegetation circles past cascading Kahuna Falls and the astonishing Akaka Falls. 短期的自然之旅,环绕着郁郁葱葱,植被的甜香味穿过阶梯式的卡胡纳瀑布和惊人的阿卡卡瀑布弥漫着。
There he is, the Big Kahuna. 大人物出场了。
Big Kahuna Inc. 是已认证的买家。