思考得比 ... 来得深入、迅速或老练
He can outthink me only in the field of the society. 只有在社会学的领域上他会比我思考得深刻。
Cazaril and his compatriots are forced to actually outthink him rather than winning due to the villain's stupidity. 卡萨瑞和他的同伴必须比他棋高一招,而不是因反派的愚蠢而获胜。
Usually, a player won not because of his ability to outthink his opponent, but because of his ability to outmaneuver his opponent. 很经常地,玩家能赢并不是因为他想得比对手快,而是因为他战术超过了对手。
The Internet audience moves at the speed of light, and you have to outthink, and out plan them with something outrageous, fun and new. 互联网用户跳动很快,你必须挖空心思,利用大胆、有趣、新鲜的东西吸引他们。
e.g.He can outthink me only in the field of the society. 只有在社会学的领域上他会比我思考得深刻。
思考得比 ... 来得深入、迅速或老练