Volgin: Who is Khrushchev's lapdog!? 谁是赫鲁晓夫的哈巴狗!?
A MAN had an Ass, and a Maltese Lapdog, a very great beauty. 主人有一头驴子,整日关在栏里吃草。
Clearly, the FDA is the lapdog, rather than the watchdog, of the industry. 很明显,FDA与其说是为人民监督的看守者,还不如说是药妆业的看门狗。
Blair said he had learned to live with taunts of being Bush's "poodle" or "lapdog. “如果我们对此有异议,那么这对于我们国家来说将是十分可怕的。”
MACC is pouring fuel on themselves by being the lapdog of BN and by selective prosecution of all Pakatan Rakyat Aduns. 他指出,此事件应该以非常公正及正确的角度来正视,包括成立独立机构展开彻底及透明的调查,让事件得以水落石出。