Put on a Tanzen (outer robe) over the Yukata, when you feel cold. 冷的时候从浴衣上面穿上宽袖棉袍。
Put on the Yukata, and pull the right side of Yukata around the body. 披上浴衣,然后从右侧包进去身体。
With Tokyo's energy-sapping humidity already in the air, it will soon be time to don yukata, lighter, cooler, and much cheaper summer kimonos. 随着夏季的来临,质地轻薄、色泽清爽、价格便宜的夏季和服开始成为东京时尚女性的新宠。
Magazine shelves are heaving with advice for yukata wearers on the right mix of handbag, jewellery, boots and sunglasses. 而众多时尚杂志更是在这一季介绍了许多有关和服与手提包、首饰、凉鞋和太阳镜完美搭配的方法。
Hirata Yukata became the first man in Japan to publicly acknowledge that he had contracted HIV through sex, and Kore-eda tagged along in Hirata's last days. 平田丰是日本第一个公开自己因性行为而染上爱滋病的人,是枝与他走过了最后一段日子。