vi. 嘶鸣
n. 嘶声
n. 英镑
Some boys nickered when he complained his textbook had disappeared. 当他抱怨找不到他的教科书时,有几个男学生偷笑起来。
For a time,the names cast moving shadows on the walls of the darkened room,then they nickered and died out. 在火苗的映衬下,这间漆黑的屋子里的四壁一时变得影影绰绰。不一会儿,火苗成了星星点点,渐渐地熄灭了。
For a time the names cast moving shadows on the walls of the darkened room, then they nickered and died out. 在火苗的映衬下,这间漆黑的屋子里的四壁一时变得影影绰绰。不一会儿,火苗成了星星点点,渐渐地熄灭了。
Sonny couldn‘t stand up without sending the child tumbling, and if he nickered, he'd wake the boy. 为什么我没有听见?我用最大音量喊着,开始恐慌起来。鱼塘边没有孩子,谷仓也没有。
For a time the flames cast moving shadows on the walls of the darkened room, then they nickered and died out. 有一会儿火苗把影影绰绰的人影投在黑暗的墙壁上。