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All of which shows that I should have held my tongue. The "bestlaid" press conferences of "mice and men gang aft agley". 这一切表明我本不该讲话,真是的,记者招待会“安排得再好也会出问题。”

All of which shows that I should have held my tongue. The " bestlaid" press conferences of " mice and men gang aft agley" . 这一切表明我本不该讲话,真是的,记者招待会“安排得再好也会出问题。”

As many things gang agley with us in our plans and desires while alive, it is not surprising that matters turn out contrary to our expectations after death. 我们生时许多计划和愿望都有所偏差,死后一切不能如愿更是可想而知。

As many things gang agley with us in our plans and desires while alive,it is not surprising that matters turn out contrary to our expectations after death. 我们生时许多计划和愿望都有所偏差,死后一切不能如愿更是可想而知。

After eyebrow falls to had been swept with agley of pen of blue eye shadow, reoccupy eye shadow is wiped on blue eye shadow is dizzy, highlight a Technicolor. 在下眼睑,用明亮的绿色眼影涂在内眼角侧1/3的区域里,在整个下眼睑涂上粉紫色。

Position toilet is very pallet, the foot steps on two bricks, wall of the hill after agley of next a bottomless pit is connected all the time by, gold baby this inch rolls abide finally hill wall. 阵地厕所极为简陋,脚踩两块砖,底下一个无底洞斜斜地一直通到后山壁,黄金宝贝便循此慢慢前进最后滚出山壁。

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