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类型:英语语法    时间:2022-06-17    点击量689
1. 和溜冰比起来,我较喜欢游泳。
I prefer swimming to skating.
= I prefer to swim rather than skate.
= I prefer to swim instead of skating.
= I would rather swim than skate.
= I like swimming better than skating.
2. 请代我问候你的父母。
Please give my regards / love to your parents.
= Please say hello to your parents.
=Please send my best wishes to your parents.
3. 他刚走出家门雨就开始下了。
He had no sooner left home than it began to rain.
=No sooner had he left home than it began to rain.
=He had hardly / scarcely left home when it began to rain.
=Hardly / Scarcely had he left home when it began to rain.
=It began to rain as soon as we left home.
=The moment we left, it began to rain.
4. 那件红裙子多少钱?
What’s the price of that dress?
= How much is that dress?
= How much does that dress cost?
5. 那个问题太难了,我无法解决。
That problem is too difficult for me to solve.
= That problem is so difficult that I can’t solve it.
= That problem is not easy enough for me to solve.
= That problem is beyond my ability.
= It is so difficult a problem that I can’t solve it.
= It is such a difficult problem that I can’t solve it.
= It is such a difficult problem as I can’t solve.
6. 我们的老师那么好,我们都喜欢他。
Our teacher is so good that we all like him.
= He is so good a teacher that we all like him
= He is such a good teacher that we all like him.
7. 直到他昨天告诉我,我才知道此事。
= I didn’t know about it until he told me yesterday.
= Not until he told me yesterday, did I know about it
= It was until he told me yesterday that I knew about it
8. 告诉我你缺席的理由。
Tell me the reason for your absence.
= Tell me the reason why you are absent.
= Tell me why you are absent.
= Tell me what cause you to be absent.
9. 并非他两个都来自北京。
Not both of them come from Beijing.
= Both of them don’t come from Beijing.
= One of them comes from Beijing; the other does not.
= Either of them comes from Beijing.
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