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Put my foot in my mouth是什么意思

类型:英语词汇    时间:2022-05-16    点击量637
put one's foot in one's mouth
foot是脚的意思,mouth表示嘴巴,如果你把put your foot in your mouth直译成把你的脚塞进嘴巴的话,一定会闹出笑话。老外说I put my foot in my mouth,千万不要以为他有什么恶俗的怪癖,他只是为自己说错话而道歉,put one's foot in one s mouth表示一个人说错话了。
说话一定要分清场合,如果你说了不该说的话,建议马上用I put my foot in my mouth向对方道歉,这样场面不会太尴尬。
例句:Sorry, I really put my foot in my mouth at the wedding.对不起,我真的在婚礼上说错话了。
have one's heart in one's mouth
have one's heart in one's mouth意思是“心都提到嗓子眼了”。这种说法早在几千年前就出现在荷马的史诗《伊利亚特》中。当很紧张很害怕的时候,心会扑通扑通跳得很厉害,感觉就像要从嗓子里蹦出来一样,所以就有了have one's heart in one's mouth的说法。
例句:The little boy stood outside the door of the headmaster's room and had his heart in his mouth, afraid to go in.小男孩担心吊胆地站在校长室门口,不敢进去。
look a gift horse in the mouth
我们知道,马好不好要看牙口(look a horse in the mouth)。但是如果这匹马是别人送的(a gift horse),那再检查牙口就有些不近情理了。这就是为什么英语中用look a gift horse in the mouth指责一个人不懂礼貌,对别人送的礼物“吹毛求疵”、“过于挑剔”。
例句:Susan sometimes will look a gift horse in the mouth.苏珊有时候会吹毛求疵。
put one's head into the lion's mouth
lion是一很凶悍的动物,用把头放进狮子的嘴里无异于在用生命冒险。所以,put head into the lion's mouth是表示“冒不必要的险”.
例句:Walking along the back of a high and narrow wall is just to take the bear by the tooth.仅仅为了卖弄就在高而窄的墙上行走,那就是拿生命当儿戏了。
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