few 与 a few 用法特点是,两者都只用于修饰或代替复数可数名词,其中few形式上肯定,意义上是否定的,其意为“很少”“几乎没有”;a few 表示肯定意义,其意为“几个”“一些”。如:
Besides the
there were few
major cities. 除了首都,几乎没有大城市。
There were a few
panels missing from the
fence. 栅栏上有几根板条不见了。
1. 定冠词+few
This is
among the few
books I
really like. 这本书是我真正喜爱的书之一。
Only the few are
likely to
enjoy this
music. 可能只有少数人会欣赏这种音乐。
John was
among the few who
really understood it. 约翰是少数几个真正了解它的人之一。
fingered the few
coins in his
pocket. 他用手指摸了摸他兜里的几枚硬币。
2. 物主代词+few
She tied up her few
belongings into a
bundle. 她把自己仅有的几件东西束成一捆。
Playing golf is one of his few enjoyments in life. 打高尔夫球是他生活中少数乐趣之一。
One of his few
strengths was his
skill at
mimicry. 他为数不多的强项之一就是善于模仿。
3. 其了限定词+few
Some few of the
survivors are
still living. 当时幸免于难的人有几个人还活着。
Some few have
emerged as
peculiarly influential. 一些人脱颖而成为极有影响的人物。
There are many
fewer regulations governing cosmetics. 管理化状品的法规减肥少了许多。
注意,not a few的意思不是“很少”,而是“不少”或“相当多”,它与quite a few, a good few大致同义。如:
Not a few of my
friends are
vegetarian. 我朋友中不少人吃素。
There were a good few
copies sold on the
first day. 第一天就卖了不少许多本。