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类型:英语阅读    时间:2020-07-10    点击量523
毫无疑问,钱是很重要的,没有钱,我们无法生存。我们需要生存的大部分东西是用钱买来的。每个人都努力工作来维持生计。钱可以满足人们所想要的一切,似乎钱就是一切,但是我不这样认为。There is no doubt that money is very important, we can’t live without money. Most things we need to keep living are bought by money. Everybody works hard to make the ends meet. Money can satisfy people with they want, it seems that money is everything, but I don’t think so. 有一些东西是钱买不到的。幸福感就是其中一样。虽然有了很多钱,我们能买到很大很豪华的房子,但是幸福感是从心底发出来的。如果一个人很努力工作,买到了房子,但是没有什么时间呆在家里,因为他需要还债,这样我就不觉得他是幸福的。There is something that money can’t buy. The sense of happiness is one of them. Though with a lot of money, we can buy the big and luxury house, the sense of happiness is from the heart. If the person works very hard to buy the house and he has less time to stay at home, because he needs to pay the bill, then I don’t think he is happy. 对于穷人来说,虽然他们没有很多钱,但是我看见他们一直活得很开心。当我住在乡村的时候,我的生活是简单的。我吃的食物是青菜,有时候也吃肉。我对吃什么不怎么介意。当我搬到城市里去的时候,我觉得孤单,虽然我挣了更多的钱,但是我想年乡村的生活。For the poor people, though they don’t have much money, I see they live with laughter all the time. When I lived in the country, my life was simple. The food I ate was vegetables and sometimes I had the meat. I did not care much about it. When I moved to the city, I felt lonely, though I earned more money, I missed the country life. 钱不是一切,幸福和钱无关。Money is not everything, the happiness is nothing with money.
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