Nowadays, with the
development of
Internet, it is much
easier to make the deal.
People don’t have to
carry the
paper money,
instead, they can use the
cards, and then
click on the
computer, the deal is
Credit card is very
popular, many
people choose to use it. But we need to take care.一方面,信用卡给人们提供了很大一笔提前预支的钱。当人们有了大笔钱在手,他们会有很强烈的愿望去消费,买自己想买的。一些人无法控制自己。信用卡给人们带来了满足感。On the one hand,
credit card
gives people a
large amount of
money to
spend ahead. When
people have a lot of
money at hand, they will have the
strong desire to
spend and buy what they want. Some
people can’t
control themselves.
Credit card
brings people the
sense of
另一方面,信用卡使得人们背负着很大的债。当人们提前花钱,意味着他们需要还。一些人成为卡奴,需要每个月偿还部分钱。他们本来就没有多少收入,但是还要拿出一部分薪水去还债。 On the
other hand,
credit card
makes people burden a lot of
money. When
people spend the
money ahead, it
means that they need to
return it. Some
people become the
slave of
credit card, they need to pay off part of the
money every month. They don’t earn much, but they need to take out some part of the
salary to pay off the debt.凡事都有两面。信用卡给人们带来了快乐,同时,如果人们不正确使用信用卡,就会成为奴隶。
Every coin has two
Credit card
brings people pleasure, at the same time, if
people use it in the
improper way, they can be the