China has the
history of more than five
thousand years, and we are so
proud of the
culture. When
foreign people come to China, they are
attracted by the
variety of culture. We are
advocated to
preserve the
while for the
outdated part, it
should be
Every time when the big day
comes for
Chinese people, they get used to ask
their families and
friends to have a big
dinner, but
tragedy happens sometimes because of the old tradition. For
example, a boy was so glad to
enter the top
university that he
asked relatives and friends to
celebrate, people kept
toasting him. As a
result, the boy died of
drinking too much. What a
great tragedy. The good
thing turned to be bad
suddenly. 每次中国人有喜事的时候,他们都习惯叫家人、朋友去大吃一顿,因为古老的传统,有时却会发生悲剧。例如,一个男孩很高兴考上了一所好大学,他邀请亲戚、朋友来庆祝,大家不断给他敬酒,结果,男孩死于饮酒过量。真是悲剧,好事突然变成了坏事。
Such tragedy happens all the time for Chinese people. The old tradition result in the end of many
young lives.
Drinking is the main root.
People drink for
seeking business cooperation, or
showing respect. When we
realize it is not
right to keep the outdated culture, it is time to
remove the
negative part.这样的悲剧对国人来说时有发生。那些老传统终结了好多年轻的生命。饮酒是主要的根源。人们通过喝酒来寻求业务合作,以示尊重。当我们意识到这样做是不对时,就是时候把过时和消极的部分摒弃掉了。