Animal is part of the
nature.We have been
always educated to
treat pets as our
friends and
there are so many
touching stories between pets and
their masters, but some
people are cold
blooded and kill
animals for their
selfish reasons.动物是自然界的一部分。我们一直都被教育要把宠物视为朋友,而且宠物和主人之间也有着很多感人的故事,但是有些人却很冷血,出于自私而杀害动物。
Recently, it has been
reported that a
woman killed a pet dog
because of her
unsatisfactory desire of the
money from the
owner. The woman
picked up a lost pet dog and she saw the owner’s
notice, then she
asked for money to
return this dog and the owner
agreed to give her some money, but she
found the money was so
little that she
decided to kill this
lovely creature.最近,据报道有一个女子杀死了一只宠物狗。原因是她对小狗主人的赎金不满意。起因是这个女子捡到了丢失的宠物狗,她看到了主人的告示,她就要求给予赎金才送还这只狗。失主同意了给钱,但是那女子觉得钱太少了,所以她决定杀了这个可爱的生物。
Soon the news
spread out and the
public was
shocked by this
greedy woman. An
ordinary person will return the dog by not
asking for
anything. If some people ask for it, the owner will give some, but
killing the
animal is the
unacceptable behavior.
Animals are our friends and we have the duty to love and
protect them.很快这则新闻就传播开来了,大家对这个贪婪女子的行为感到震惊。一个普通人遇到这样的事情会把小狗送还不附带任何条件。如果有想要钱的,失主也会给一些,但是杀死动物这样的行为是无法认可的。动物是我们的朋友,我们有责任去爱护、保护它们。