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类型:英语阅读    时间:2024-02-27    点击量695
The media always report the news about how children are addicted to the cellphone and though schools have taken action to ban students using it in the classroom, still the rules don't work much. Actually, the root of this problem lies in the parents and the way to solution also counts on them.媒体总是报道关于儿童沉溺于手机的新闻,虽然学校已经采取了相关措施,禁止学生在教室里使用手机,但是也没有太大的作用。其实,这个问题的根源在于父母,解决问题的关键也在他们身上。
Today, more and more people from the young generation become parents. They are born around 1990s and grow up in the good time. When Chinese economy develops very fast and they keep up with pace. They have access to the new products and part of them are so crazy about the electronic devices.今天,越来越多的年轻一代成为父母,他们出生在20世纪90年代,成长在好的年代。当中国的经济快速发展时,他们也跟上了步伐。接触着新产品、部分人也热衷于电子设备。
When these people become parents, they don't realize their habit of playing cellphone will influence their children so deeply. Such as when they go home, they are playing cellphone and don't leave time to communicate with their children, or even though they stay with the kids, their attention is kept on cellphone.当这些人成为父母后,他们并没有意识到玩手机的习惯会那么深的影响到孩子。比如当他们在家一直在玩手机时,却没有花时间去跟孩子沟通,或者即使他们陪着孩子,注意力也是留在手机上。
The children's problem comes from parents. If parents have set the good example and care more about the children, then most problems can be solved.孩子们的问题来自于父母,如果父母树立了良好的榜样,更加关心孩子,那么大部分问题都可以得到解决。
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