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世界地球日World Earth Day

类型:英语阅读    时间:2023-11-13    点击量1394
World Earth Day is celebrated on April 22nd, which is a day to call for people around the world to protect the environment. Look at the change of environment in the past decades. If we don’t make a contribution to bringing the world green, then we don’t live the good life.4月22日是世界地球日,这个节日是为了号召全世界人民保护环境。看看过去几十年里环境的变化,如果我们不做出贡献,让世界变绿,那么我们就过不上好日子了。

The pollution is happening everywhere. For example, the river in my hometown, when I was very small, people could wash their clothes and go swimming in it, or we could see fish clearly. But now, the water is very dirty and there are a lot of rubbish around the river. What’ more, the area of river has become smaller. Every time when I see this bad change, I feel so pity.污染到处都有。例如,我家乡的河,在我很小的时候,人们可以在里面洗衣服,游泳,我们还可以清楚地看到鱼在里面游来游去。但是现在,河水变得很脏,河里有很多垃圾。而且,河流的面积变小了。每次看到这种不好的变化,我都感到很遗憾。

The result of the pollution of the environment is the disappearance of animals. Some animals become rare and are dying out. It is known to all that animals and human being are part of nature. We live together. If animals disappear, we don’t live for long. Protecting the environment is saving our offspring. 环境污染的结果是动物的消失。有些动物很稀有,在濒临灭绝。众所周知,动物和人类是大自然的一部分,我们生活在一起。如果动物消失了,那么我们也活不了多久。保护环境就是保护我们的后代。

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