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there be句型结构

类型:英语语法    时间:2023-06-12    点击量796
There be句型结构仍然是高中阶段的学习重点,下面就there be的用法做如下总结。
一、不同时态的There be 结构
1. There will be thousands of football fans in London next month.
2. There is going to be a film in our school this weekend.
3. There is to be a concert at the Albert Hall tonight. It is to be broadcast live.
4. There have been a lot of accidents round here.
5. There has been some awful weather lately, hasn’t there?
6. He told me that there had been an argument between them.
7. There will have been a definite result before Friday.
二、含有情态动词的There be 结构
1. There would be fewer accidents if drivers took care.
2. He felt that there must be something wrong with the car.
3. There may quite well be another demonstration tonight.
4. Why do there have to be poor people like those?
5. There used to be a cinema here before the war.
6. There must have been a rain last night, for the ground is wet. 昨晚肯定下雨了,因为地面湿着呢。
三、There be 结构经常和appear, seem, need, chance, happen, prove 等动词搭配
1. There appears to be little enthusiasm for your idea.
2. There seems to be something wrong with this computer.
3. There doesn’t seem to have been any difficulty over the money question. 好像没有钱的困难。
4. There appear to have been some nasty accidents.
5. There needs to be a system set up to judge the quality of the English language training.
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