All the way home by the slow Sunday train, sitting in the fireless waiting-rooms on this cold spring day, he was depressed enough at his simplicity in taking such a journey. 裘德回到了麦尔切斯特,那儿离苏的永久性寓所不过十二英里半,这当然有好处,不过好处本身就有问题。
Originally, water there is no China , each other, swings but becomes a ripple; Shi Ben is fireless , each other, strikes but emits miraculous brightness. 您的位置:凡人谷知道>教育/科学>学习帮忙>水本无华,相荡而成涟漪;石本无火,相击而发灵光。
fireless engine 无火发动机
tailwooden fireless airplane 木尾无火飞机