Jungfraujoch is the most glaciated part of the Alps, containing Europe's largest glacier and a range of classic glacial features such as U-shaped valleys, cirques, horn peaks and moraines. 少女山岗是阿尔卑斯山冰蚀现象最显著的部分,有欧洲最大的冰川和一系列典型冰川地貌,如U型峡谷、冰斗、角峰及冰碛。
They include U-valleys, knife-edge crests, horns, cirques and firn-basins, as well as many glacial erraticboulders, outwash sediments, moulins, deformed pebbles and streak pebbles in U-valleys. 为研究该区古气候、古环境演化提供重要依据,为我国第四纪冰期划分和对比提供重要资料和证据。