Bluebonnet mingled with the yellow. 黄蓝交相辉映。
Bluebonnet: It does good to beauties and help to protect hair. 养颜护发。
The cadets paid their own way to the training camp in Sweetwater, Texas, and were housed at the Bluebonnet Hotel. 当时,这些学员自费前往位于德州Sweetwater的训练营,然后暂住在Bluebonnet旅馆里。
The red and white striped tail on this C-47 Skytrain called "Bluebonnet Belle" is typical of pre-war color schemes, when high visibility arrangements dominated. 红色和白色条纹尾巴这架C - 47空中列车称为“ Bluebonnet美人”是典型的战前配色方案,在高能见度的安排为主。