Our company is located besides Yu Yao River, bestriding ShangHai, HangZhou, and NingBo highway, with convenient traffic. 公司位于姚江之畔,横跨沪、杭、甬高速公路,交通十分便利。
It is a port town on the eastern coast of Scotland, captial of Aberdeen section, bestriding Don River and Dee River.It has a population of 216,000. 阿伯丁是英国苏格兰东海岸港市,阿伯丁区首府,横跨东河和迪河,人口216000。
The sky is so blue, the Qinghai-Tibet railway is bestriding ,the snow lies on the rodaside ,while the Streams is murmuring down . 天蓝得不行了,青藏铁路桥横跨其间,积雪就在路边,水孱孱的流。
College is the tower of ivory bestriding real life.Thus, it ought to guide the entire society with a value surpassing any mundane life. 大学是一座高居于现实生活之上的象牙塔,它应该能有一种超越世俗生活的价值高度引导社会。
It is a port town on the eastern coast of Scotland, capital of Aberdeen Section, bestriding Don River and Dee River.It has a population of 216,000. 阿伯丁是英国苏格兰东海岸港市,阿伯丁区首府,横跨东河和迪河,人口216000。