vt. 诅咒
HIPPOLYTA Beshrew my heart, but I pity the man. 希波吕忒:该死!我倒真有点可怜这个人。
And from my soul too; Or else beshrew them both. 那不但是我心里的话,也是我灵魂里的话;倘有虚假,让我的灵魂下地狱。
Desdemona. Beshrew me, if I would do such a wrong For the whole world. 苔丝狄蒙娜我要是为了整个的世界,会干出这种丧心病狂的事来,一定不得好死。
Beshrew him [it]! 讨厌的家伙[东西]! 该死! 可恶!
Beshrew me! 讨厌! 可恶!
Beshrew you! 该死!