Literary value depends on read and travelling, perhaps arrived " belletristic " this word quits historical scenic time. 文学的价值在于阅读和传播,也许到了“纯文学”这个词退出历史舞台的时候了。
Realism,romanticism,patriotism and the Idiosyncrasy of the People is belletristic keywords. 第三,文化意识增强,强调从文化的视角考察文化对文学本体特征、美感形式的影响;
As for the rest, he has his peers, perhaps betters, as a novelist, belletrist, essayist and short-story writer, but they are different people in each case. 作为放松,他有自己的见解,更愿意作为一个小说家,纯文学作者,散文家和短篇小说家,但是在每种情况中他们都是不同的人物。
Summary of the Symposium on the Building up and Developments in the Discipline of Belletristic Aesthetics 文艺美学学科建设与发展研讨会综述
he believes literature is equality above all, open, abhor a few people are right the forestall of literary resource, think " belletristic " the word that is a special absurdity. 他相信文学首先是平等的、开放的,痛恨一些人对文学资源的垄断,认为“纯文学”是个非常可笑的词。