She bedizened herself with cheap jewels. 她以廉价珠宝饰物把自己打扮得俗不可耐。
To deck out in fine clothes and ornaments; bedizen. 穿着俗丽以华丽的衣服和饰品来装饰;穿着俗丽
To deck out in fine clothes and ornaments;bedizen. 穿着俗丽以华丽的衣服和饰品来装饰;
The witch doctors were bedizened in all their gaudiest costumes. 女巫医穿上她们最绚丽的衣服,打扮得俗不可耐。
Neither was it the arrival, so frequent in the fifteenth century, of some plumed and bedizened embassy. 更不是十五世纪司空见惯的某外国使者身著奇装异服,头饰羽冠,突然而至。