She has shed tears . Tear, bedew her pale skirt. 她流泪了.
After bedew of 1. general brush, take right amount cleaner, with Wen Shui gently rub kneads a brush. 1.
Use clear water or make up water bedew makes up cotton or face paper, much preparation reserves a few pieces. 用清水或化妆水沾湿化妆棉或面纸,多准备几张备用。
The dew on grass is the tear of the sun, so much so much, bedew soft shoe, wetted skirt to the full front of a Chinese gown. 草上的露珠是太阳的泪吧,那么多那么多,沾湿了软鞋,弄湿了裙裾。
Shake not head,Feet,or Legs rowl not the Eyes lift not one eyebrow higher than the other,wry not the mouth,and bedew no mans face with your Spittle,by approaching too near him when you Speak. 与别人交谈时,不要摇晃头、脚或腿,眼睛不要瞟来瞟去;不要挑眉撇嘴,也不要离他人太近,以免唾沫溅到别人脸上。