"A scarlet banksia blooms like fireworks in Australia's southwest. 在澳大利亚西南部,一朵鲜红的邦克西木花像焰火一样怒放。
As they passed the trellis with the banksia roses they spotted Col.Lei and Hsu Man-li emerging from a grove and hurrying towards the funeral hall. 他们刚走过那架木香花棚的时候,看见雷鸣和徐曼丽正从树荫中走出来,匆匆地跑向“灵堂”前去了。
Patterns in Nature: Mysterious Earth The characteristic spikes of a banksia flower are common across Australia. 意译:自然界的模式:神秘的地球。具有特征性的长钉状banksia花是常见的遍布澳大利亚。
Patterns in Nature: Plants The hairpin banksia (Banksia spinulosa) is native to eastern Australia. 译文:植物在自然界的模式。这种发夹样拔克西木属植物是东澳大利亚本土产品。
Grandma can make snacks with banksia rose petals, which smells and tastes as fragrant as the flower. 奶奶会用木香花瓣做点心,那点心的味道都带着花香!