Under the guarantee of the low mortality, cattle were caught by ticks and had a few Babesia sis in the body gradually. 在保证低死亡率的前提下,让牛只不断受蜱侵袭,使牛只体内对焦虫病尽快是低带虫状态,中群发病率逐年下降。
This paper reported that breeding cattles of South Devon (from Australia)were infected with Babesia bovis and B. 本文报道南德文种牛发生双芽巴贝斯虫和牛巴贝斯虫病的诊断和治疗。
The two species of the genus Babesia that affect dogs are B. canis and B. gibsoni. 巴贝斯属中能感染犬只的两种蜱分别为犬巴贝斯虫和吉氏巴贝虫。
Serum was examined by means of latex agglutination test to investigate the Babesia orientalis infection status of water buffaloes in Hubei Province. 利用胶乳凝集试验对湖北省不同地区的水牛血清进行了东方巴贝斯虫的血清流行病学调查。
The positive rate of Babesia caballi% 驽巴贝斯虫阳性率/%25