We scanned for the Avocet after the falcon has abandoned its effort and left. 是反嘴鹬被缠住飞得慢被捉,还是游隼因反嘴鹬连住风筝才抓不紧,反嘴鹬掉回水面?
An avocet has a long, strongly upcurved bill which contains a complex and highly specialized system of lamellae capable of filtering out small food items. 我找了一下网路上的资料,似乎也没有讨论他嘴上弯原因的文献,可能有很久以前的,不过就不太好找了。
How many Avocet there? 究竟有几多只呢?
but birdwatchers next to me said the Falcon caught an Avocet but slipped, the prey fell into the water. 初时一阵小骚动,鸥飞鹬走,未搅清甚麽事,旁边观鸟的朋友说游隼捉到反嘴鹬,但抓不紧,反嘴鹬掉回水面。
Andean Avocet 安第斯反嘴鹬