Jon Dahl asson got the final touch. 最后碰到球的是琼-达尔-托马森。
And the south wind gently blowing, thinking that they had obtained their purpose, when they had loosed from Asson, they sailed close by Crete. 那时,南风徐徐吹来,大家以为对目的地已有了把握,就启锚沿著克里特航行。
Besides, strung is beautiful apron, pull continuously long hair, walk into multicolored and flowery kitchen, why be to love what beautiful woman shows other assonant ingredient to choose. 况且,系上漂亮围裙,挽起缕缕长发,走进斑斓绚丽的厨房,又何不是爱美女子展现另类韵味之选。
note the assonant words and syllables in 'tilting at windmills'. 记录‘tiltingatwindmils’中的类韵词和音节。
Hansen S P, Culp G L. Applyfing shallow depth sedimentation theory. Amer. Water Works Asson,1967(9):1 134 西南交通大学